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What is the meaning of Karma? How does it work?

Post Date: December 16, 2020

What is the meaning of Karma? How does it work?

There is a huge confusion about Karma definition, action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: Let us share some light upon it and its importance to us.


The Srimad Bhagwat Gita mentions the soul. The soul is ajar, immortal. Just as we wear new clothes when our clothes are old, similarly when the body becomes old and weak, the soul adopts a new body. In this way, this process continues from beginning to end. In every birth, human beings do the order. The Vedas consider these actions to be extremely important. When the soul is born again and the body is left behind, the deeds done by the human being continues to affect the soul like an unstoppable Waterflow, whatever actions a human being does in his life surely affect his present and future.

What is the Meaning of Karma?

Horoscopes are made based on planets, constellations, yoga, dates, etc. At the time of birth, this birth journal or horoscope tells that person the direction and form of life. Based on this journal, a man’s form, behavior, deeds, happiness, and sorrow, etc. can be understood. Defects are also found in the birth journal. Does the birth journal or horoscope is based on the time of birth, date of birth, and place of birth gives the details of the entire life span of a person? Some auspicious and some inauspicious conditions are formed in it.

The person who is born or is going to be born is going to have to work in this lifetime, but his birth journal fixes everything beforehand. What could be the reason for this?

Indian Philosophy answers this question. The disciplinary soul of Indian philosophy is ajar-immortal. Only the body of a human dies. But the soul always lives. This soul transforms from one body to another in different births of human beings. Souls do not take anything with them, but the deeds that are done by him, go along with him. Which means, he has to suffer the effect of the auspicious and inauspicious deed done by a human being, as a soul. In the future birth of a person who has done auspicious work in this birth, he gets an auspicious vagina, auspicious family, auspicious yoga, etc. On the contrary, people who do misdeeds in their future birth get an inauspicious vagina, lowborn family, and faces an eternal misery of disasters.


Type of Karma: 

These deeds are also divided into three broad parts, these are – Sanchit Karma, Prarabdha Karma, and  Kriyaman Karm.

Sanchit Karma: Sanchit means deposit. Accumulation and deposit of all the work done by human beings are called Sanchay. The deeds done by human beings accumulate, thereafter he gets auspicious inauspicious results. In this, some results are obtained in that life itself.

 Prarabdha Karma: The results of the deeds of a man born in the past create or spoil his fate. This is called destiny or Prarabdha.

The fate of two human beings is different even if they are born one day at a time or in the same city. If one is born in an aristocratic family, then he gets all the happiness and opulence at that very moment and will continue to receive it. Similarly, if others are born in a low caste, then their destiny or starting point is inauspicious. The inauspicious atmosphere, inauspicious rites, or lowliness will allow him to rise, no matter how powerful his birth journal is. He can excel in his work and deeds on the strength of his courage and intelligence.

Since the birth journal of both men will remain the same, but even then the destiny of both is different. Both human beings will get auspiciousness or inauspiciousness in the same way, but their share and effect will be in different ways.

 Kriyaman Karma: The tasks that are done in the life of the present are called the Kriyaman Karm. The actions performed in the present form the accumulated sequence of human beings. In which the effect of some is also obtained in an instantaneous form. Some of these accumulated deeds make the destiny of a human being. By understanding this rule in astrology, a lot of information can be obtained. Suppose, the destiny deeds of a man were mostly inauspicious, then he is facing inauspicious circumstances. But if he repents his deeds in this inauspicious situation, he will get some degree of peace. His destiny will not be destroyed, but the inauspicious effect of the same destiny can be somewhat reduced.

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