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Astrology and the Laws of Karma..
According to Vedic Astrology everything is predetermined as per the Laws of Karma. As you sow, so shall you reap. It’s simple if you are suffering it has to do something with your past life deeds. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Astrology is no magic that it... read more
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बुध का सिंह राशि में प्रवेश -17 अगस्त, 2020,
गोचर का स्वरूप और उसका आधार आकाश में स्थित ग्रह अपने मार्ग पर अपनी गतिनुसार भ्रमण करते हैं। इस भ्रमण के दौरान वे एक राशि से दूसरी राशि में प्रवेश करते हैं। जन्म समय में ये ग्रह जिस राशि में पाए जाते हैं वह राशि उनकी जन्मकालीन अवस्था कहलाती है।... read more
Venus Transits Libra on September 6, 2021 | Sept 6 Venus Transit in Libra 2021
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रतन शिरोमणि माणिक । Sanjay Dara Singh AstroGem Scientist । असली नकली पहचान व् धारण करने के लाभ
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Saturn’s transit to Scorpio: What does it mean for you? Find out!
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शुक्र का तुला राशि में प्रवेश – 17 नवंबर, 2020
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बृहस्पति का मकर राशि में प्रवेश -20 नवंबर, 2020
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Mercury Transits Virgo on October 2, 2021 | Retrograde Mercury Transit in Virgo on 2nd October 2021
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Saturn’s transit to Gemini: What does it mean for you? Find out!
Position: For the Gemini zodiac and ascendant, this transit is going to be in their ninth house. Saturn will be the lord of the ninth and tenth house both. While passing through the ninth, Shani will put its vision in the eleventh house as well. From the ninth house, Saturn will put... read more