Sri Astro Vastu is Pioneer and Popular in Vedic Astrology & Vastu. It is recognized institution for rendering quality services in the field of Astrology, Vedic sciences & Vastu.
Dhela Kapoor
Product Information
The usage of Dhela Kapoor in our daily worship is practiced since from ages. It is widely used in hawan, aarti and in all forms of worship.
Dhela Kapoor is one of the major ingredients in Hindu worship. Dhela Kapoor is commonly used in Indian households.
100% pure natural Dhela Kapoor has strong aroma,it is found in the wood of the camphor laurel, a large green Tree.
The strong fragrance of Dhela Kapoor is loaded with healing properties, while also being known for spreading positivity. Lighting Dhela Kapoor in prayers has its own benefits which accompanies scientific reason too.
It enhances the flow of positivity and place destroys all kinds of evil energies. Dhela Kapoor even makes your surroundings perfumed and filled with energy.
Dhela Kapoor is made up of high-quality ingredients which will help you concentrate while praying.
It has wonderful fragrance, pure and originalIt is widely used in daily pooja, marriages, used in navratri and meditation.
Instead of the chemically treated version available at a cheaper price, the raw untreated Dhela Kapoor leaves a stronger impact on the senses. Dhela Kapoor even makes your surroundings perfumed and filled with energy. Dhela Kapoor fumes purify the environment.
Mantra Used During Puja
There is a mantra of Lord Shiva that says:
Karpuura-Gauram Karunna-Avataaram
Samsaara-Saaram Bhujage[a-I]ndra-Haaram |
Sadaa-Vasantam Hrdaya-Aravinde
Bhavam Bhavaanii-Sahitam Namaami ||
This is a Hindu mantra which describes the purity and importance of Dhela Kapoor
How To Use
Used only for burning purpose, Not edible.
Pure white
Packaging Type
Single Piece.